domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Welcome indeed! This blog has been started as, and is intended to be, a forum for individual expression - for both staff and students of Rye School of English. Please feel free to contribute.

2 comentarios:

  1. I'm just checking that I have actually worked out how to do this properly ... BIG NEWS - I have been in the UK for more than 24 hours now and, so far, no sign of rain!

  2. We are thinking of having a weekly setup with different contributions each week.

    1st Thursday. Articles from the world of teaching.
    2nd Quirks of Language.
    Funny things and overanalysis of grammar.

    3rd Student contributions. Poems, essays. We will upload these. Links posted on the Rye facbook.

    4th TBC

    (Should a 5th Thursday occur it will be a break. For the writing staff.
